Claim: On Tie-up.
Mileage: 130 Mi.
Companion Claim: For first out rested engineer and conductor.
Restriction: Only crews in STAS are eligible.
There are two ways you can get this penalty:
Make more than one trip where the combined (Van plus Rail) miles are greater than 100 miles.
- Ex. Trip one you are called out of Everett to Dogcatch(DC) an empty coal at Bow (Mp. 79.7) and take it out to the running (Everett Mp. 37) for a total of 85.4 Combined Mi. ran. On your second trip you go and DC a VBTEVE at Stanwood (Mp. 57.6) and yard it at Everett (Mp. 37) for a total of 41.2 Mi. Because those two trips combined equal more than 100 Mi., You are due a 2B Basic day penalty. – Also keep in mind, you are due over miles. So if you happen to have a trip that had a combined mileage of 155 miles, and tied up or had a second trip that was 100 miles, you would be due a basic day at thru-freight rate (130miles) and an additional 25 miles (155Mi. – 130Mi. Basic Day) at the over-mileage rate of approximately $1.55 a mile (Subject to GWI) for that first trip.
(For Engineers only; if your first trip out from the terminal was beyond 25Mi. of the terminal, your second trip would qualify you for a 2B regardless if the combined miles are greater than 100. After getting your first 2b, all subsequent 2b penalty trips must exceed the 100Mi. combined trip rule.)
The second way you can earn a 2B is to depart the yard after 8hrs, for a consecutive trip.
- Ex. You are called out of Everett on duty at 1000 to DC a VBTEVE at English (Mp. 45.5) and after sitting for 5 hrs. you bring it into Everett (Mp. 37) and yard the train, for a total of Combined Mi. ran of 17. After yarding the train the yardmaster has you on fire watch for a while and then finally sends you back out to English to bring in an empty coal, but you don’t depart until after 1800. You are now due a 2B Basic day penalty.