Claim: Option 15,1, 1B Special Claims, Activation/Call and Release, Code AO
Mileage: 100 Mi.
“Called and Released: When a Conductor, Brakemen, or Switchmen is called to be on duty and after arriving at the on-duty location is released from service by a company officer or crew caller.” While there is a claim for being released prior to on duty, the company will not pay it. That being said, if you want to be paid, do not answer your phone once you have taken your call and wait until you get to your on-duty location to be released in person.
You have 2 options here:
Option 1 (50mi Claim): You can tie up first out and claim 50.0 Mi., at which time you could be called again at any moment.
- Ex. You are 1st out on the Conductors Extra Board, and are called at 0800 to be on duty at 1000 in Everett. You show up to your on-duty location and the Trainmaster tells you to go home they are breaking your call as they do not need you. You would go put in a special claim for 50 Mi. and be prepared to go back to work at any moment.
Option 2: You can tie up and go to the bottom of the board and claim 100.0 Mi. If you do this option make sure you put in an activity report under Option 15, 2 Report Service Activities. This will make you unavailable for 10 hours.
- Ex. You are 1st out on the Conductors Extra Board, and are called at 0800 to be on duty at 1000 in Everett. You show up and after 15 mins the Trainmaster tells you to go home as they do not need you. You would now not only claim the 100.0 Mi. and go to the bottom of the board, but you would also put in an activity report from 1000-1015. You will now be rested at 2015.