M3 – Meal Denial

Claim: On tie-up.
Mileage: 50 Mi.
Restriction: For crews used in STAS only.
Yard Equivalent: Code 22.

This claim is due if you are denied a request to stop and take a meal, at a location, before the expiration of 6 hours. on-duty. Please be reasonable and honest with your requests for M3’s and claims, in general. Note: if an effort is made to stop and you are allowed to eat between 4.5- 7 hours, that is reasonable effort. In accordance with GN Rule 44 and the GCOR, requests must be made roughly 90 minutes before it is due.

When claiming this penalty:

  • Use the dispatcher’s initials who denied the claim.
  • Never write the words “en route”. 
  • Specify where you asked the dispatcher to eat. (Ex. Stanwood, Custer, or Bow Siding), and the location where you asked to take your meal.

    Ex. You asked at Bridge 37, after doubling over the EVECUS, to take a meal at Stanwood and are denied.

Agreement Reference: GN rule 44, Conductors Schedule.