WL – Waiting for Lodging

Claim: On the next On-Duty Ticket.
Mileage: 16.25 Mi. Per hour spent waiting.

This penalty occurs when you have tied up and are waiting for a room at the away from home terminal (AFHT) lodging facility for more than 30 minutes. After the 30-minute grace period, claim all the time spent waiting until your room is ready.

  • Ex. You arrive at the AFHT lodging facility at 1200, and are told you have to wait for a room. The room is finally ready at 1500. You are now due 40.5 miles. (3 hours of waiting – 30 min grace period = 2 hours and 30 minutes at 16.25Mi./HR.) This conversion chart is available on the box app and is also currently posted on the wall in the tie up room at Everett.